Prepare and Watch

Mar 20, 2023

Prepare and Watch



In Psalm 5:3 David says that he prepares a sacrifice to God, and then watches. Watches for what?

The context in the first two verses is that he is crying out to God; he is asking God to listen to his prayers. Then, in verse 3 he says that God does hear his voice. There is an expectancy in David’s prayer. An expectancy that God does not just listen and then move on, but that He will respond to the prayer.

I must confess that many times I offer up my prayers to God with very little hope that He will respond. This happens most when I distance myself from God; when I make Him an ornament hanging on the walls of my heart rather than the most honored guest. When I allow myself to become too busy to have times of intimacy with Him. Arrogantly, I toss my “sacrifice” into a microwave, and if what comes out doesn’t suit me, I jump into action myself to try to solve my problems.

How different it is when I consider the affection of my king for me. That He longs for this time of intimacy. That He longs for me to pour out my heart to Him, and then watch with hope for His response.

In Revelation 5:8 it links the prayers of saints with incense, and again in Revelation 8:3-4 our prayers are mixed with the burning incense. He hears us, and He longs to respond to us. I don’t know what those verses do to you, but they move my heart. These verses make me ask a little more of myself in my prayer life. To see my prayers as a holy thing before a living God.

So today, prepare your sacrifice for God, and watch. Drive to work with an expectation that He is moving to respond to you. Eat lunch knowing that in the heavens, your request is moving the heart of the King of Glory.